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We Make You

Feel Special

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Our biggest strength is in these craftsmen who create unique designs just for us from every nook and corner of India . . .


s e r v i c e s


We perform professional repairs for your Wempe jewelry at our showrooms.

Inspection and Cleaning

Every piece of jewelry deserves the best care. For this reason, we also offer fee-based inspection and cleaning services for jewelry not purchased from us.

Ring-size adjustment

It may sometimes be the case that a piece of jewelry feels too tight or too loose, despite careful advice and a considered selection.

Chain-length reduction

It may sometimes be the case that a piece of jewelry feels too tight or too loose, despite careful advice and a considered selection.

Hand engraving

Eternalize silhouettes or text with your own, personal message on your jewelry, whether for yourself or another very special person.

Custom-made jewelry

We are always pleased to advise you when you own gold jewelry that no longer fits or is in keeping with the times

c o n t a c t